First Coast Facial Cosmetic Surgery

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Expert Facial Plastic Surgery with Precision and Care.

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Expert Facial Plastic Surgery with Precision and Care.

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Expert Facial Plastic Surgery with Precision and Care.

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Our Procedures

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Sabooree, MD

Dr. Sepideh Sabooree is a board-certified Maxillofacial Surgeon and a fellowship-trained Facial Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon. She is passionate about creating beautiful and natural-looking changes to improve your appearance, confidence, and well-being. Dr. Sabooree has always been intrigued by how subtle changes in the face can lead to dramatic yet natural-looking improvements.

Above all, she is committed to creating exquisite changes based on individual needs, while maintaining the highest degree of safety and quality. At First Coast Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center, we are here to help you discover your options based on your goals and help you achieve optimal results.


Facelift & Necklift

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate the appearance of the face and address signs of aging such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial muscle tone. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, as outpatient surgery. There are several types and techniques used for facelifting. Dr. Sabooree’s preference is to perform a deep plane facelift to tighten the underlying muscle as well as remove excess skin; however, the details of these procedures and techniques used are customized for each patient based on different factors and goals.

A neck lift procedure also known as a cervicoplasy is performed to address excess skin/fat in the neck and tighten the underlying muscle. This procedure can be performed by itself to address the neck; however, a facelift procedure is often performed in conjunction with a neck lift to address the head and neck as a whole unit and achieve a more youthful and refreshed look.  During your consultation, we will discuss these procedures thoroughly, and review post-operative care.

Refined Results

Rhinoplasty / Septoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as “nose job,” is a procedure performed to reshape and alter the appearance of the nose and/or to improve breathing. There are multiple techniques used for a rhinoplasty (closed/open) and the choice of surgical approach is based on individual needs.

Septoplasty is typically performed to address a deviated septum that can cause nasal obstruction. This procedure is performed by itself or in conjunction with a rhinoplasty.

These procedures are almost always performed under general anesthesia, as outpatient surgery. During your consultation, the steps of these procedures will be discussed with you based on your needs, as well as post-operative care.



A Genioplasty, also known as chin surgery or chin augmentation, is a surgical procedure that addresses reshaping or repositioning the chin. This procedure is performed to augment or reduce the chin size, or to correct asymmetries. A genioplasty can be performed by repositioning the jaw bone, or use of silicone implants. This procedure is often performed under general anesthesia as outpatient surgery. During your consultation, the best approach and technique will be discussed with you, based on your needs, as well as post-operative care.

Refined Results

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure that is performed to improve the appearance and function of the eyelids. This procedure can be performed on either upper or lower eyelids to remove excess skin, remove/reposition peri-ocular fat pads, and tighten the underlying muscles to create a smoother and more youthful look.

In addition to aesthetic benefits, eyelid surgery can be performed to improve vision (when excess skin is obstructing the field of vision) or improve the position of the eyelids in relation to the eye. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia as outpatient surgery. As with any other surgical procedures, patients may experience some swelling and bruising which typically subsides within a few weeks.

Our office offers upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, canthoplasty, Asian eyelid surgery, and other functional eyelid surgery procedures.


Facial Implants

Facial implants are typically placed to address deficiencies or correct asymmetries. These implants can be placed along the jawline for better contouring, and augmentation of cheeks and chin. Like breast implants, most facial implants are also made from silicone and are typically placed through incisions made inside the mouth. Implant size, shape, and placement techniques will be discussed with you during your consultation appointment.

Refined Results

Corrective Jaw surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is composed of surgical procedures performed to correct various underlying skeletal deformities leading to facial asymmetries and an unstable occlusion. Typically, these skeletal deformities lead to excessive underbite, overbite, open bite, and crossbites or jaw deviations that cannot be corrected with braces alone. However, these procedures are often performed in collaboration with orthodontic treatment to achieve the most precise and best possible results.


Other Surgical Procedures

  • Brow lift
  • Lip lift
  • Buccal fat removal
  • Fat transfer
  • Liquid facelift
  • Liquid rhinoplasty

Refined Results

Non-Surgical Procedures

Ellie Lindström

The Story

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito solatium.

Superstites altero apparct vero. Adversis potenti hic-quos, accessum perpetuitas activitate convalescere carbone claritas.

Optio recusandae regnet diam eget hic crim inalibus ipsa.

Listen. Read. Watch.

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito solatium eorum consternati.

Ready For The Next Step!

Dicit promoveram belgos sunt ante qui posteritatem quia minus luptatum incidunt porro bcatissimae.

Superstites altero apparct vero. Adversis potenti hic-quos, accessum perpetuitas activitate convalescere. Carbone claritas magna innoccntiae +3 tetnpore se. Dolorem eos irritare blandit nuntius libere benevolam hibernorum videtis nocturnum. 

1-On-1 Coaching

You have succeeded when all you really want is only what you really need.

- Ellie Lindström

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”Dui te m civilis eodem qui M magnis eum in quae ab ante, hic quo dis. Magna per aut propositum – per esse utinam gordius.”


Christina Miller


”Dui te m civilis eodem qui M magnis eum in quae ab ante, hic quo dis. Magna per aut propositum – per esse utinam gordius.”


Doug Quinones

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Vel id v fatalis earum dis D hostem nec te quos ab fuga, est mus est. Eodem cum dis publicarum – hac modo capita viscera a pericula risus est nam honorem.”


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